Correos tracking


- 国内标准投递:Correos通常在1-3个工作日内投递西班牙境内的包裹。
- 国内快递投递:对于西班牙境内的紧急包裹,Correos提供快递投递服务,确保在24-48小时内投递。
- 国际标准投递:在国际寄送包裹时,Correos提供标准投递服务。投递时间可能因目的地国家的不同而有所变化。投递到欧洲国家通常需要5-15个工作日,投递至欧洲以外的目的地可能需要高达25个工作日。
- 国际快递投递:为了更快的国际投递,Correos提供快递投递服务。该服务确保在1-5个工作日内快速投递,具体取决于目的地。
- 上门送货:Correos直接将包裹送到收件人的门前或指定地址。这是最常见的一种投递服务,为客户提供方便和便利。
- 邮局自取:客户可以选择将包裹送往最近的Correos邮局自行取件。对于在投递尝试期间可能不在家的人或喜欢亲自领取包裹的人来说,这项服务非常有益。
- 认证投递:Correos提供认证投递服务,包括投递证明。这确保收件人承认收到包裹,增加了额外的安全性和可靠性。
- 货到付款:Correos提供货到付款服务,允许客户在投递包裹时收到付款。这对于电子商务企业或通过邮购销售商品的个人特别有帮助。
- 邮政服务:该部门负责管理西班牙及其国外的信件、明信片和小包裹的收集、处理和递送工作。它确保传统邮政服务的顺畅运行,包括挂号邮件、快递递送和邮政银行等服务。
- 包裹和物流服务:西班牙邮政设有专门的部门负责处理包裹递送和物流运营。它提供高效的国内外包裹运输和分销服务。该部门还提供跟踪、清关和上门递送等附加功能。
- 数字服务:西班牙邮政认识到通信领域的数字化转型,因此扩大了其业务范围以涵盖数字服务。数字服务部门致力于提供电子商务解决方案、电子认证和数字身份服务。它使客户能够在线管理其邮政需求,并促进安全的在线交易。
状态 | 描述 |
The shipment has been delivered. | 收件人已收到货物 |
The shipment is on its way to be delivered to the recipient. | 货物正在途中 |
The shipment has arrived at the unit responsible for its delivery. | 货物已到达负责派送的地点 |
The shipment is being sent to the unit responsible for its delivery. | 货物正在向负责派送的地点运送中 |
The shipment has been pre-registered in systems pending deposit. | 货物已在系统中预先注册,等待寄存 |
The shipment is at the office at the destination and is being sorted for a new delivery. | 货物正在目的地的办公室内,正在为重新投递进行分类 |
The shipment has been delivered to the recipient. | 收件人已收到货物 |
The shipment is on its way to be delivered. | 货物正在途中 |
The shipment has been classified in the logistics centre. | 货物已在物流中心分类 |
The shipment has been received at the point of origin. | 货物已到达发货地 |
The shipment has been delivered in a return to the recipient. | 退回的货物已经交付给收件人 |
The recipient's delivery will be. | 收件人的货物将很快送达 |
The consignment with this shipment has been received in the logistics centre origin. | 这批货物已经在发货物流中心接收 |
The shipment has arrived at the international logistics centre destination for delivery. | 送货已到达目的地的国际物流中心 |
The shipment has left the international logistics centre origin and is en route to its destination. | 货物已离开发货地的国际物流中心,正在赶往目的地 |
The shipment is being handled by a customs agent. | 海关代理人正在处理货物 |
The shipment has arrived at the international logistics centre origin. | 货物已到达发货地的国际物流中心 |
The shipment is being redelivered to the unit responsible for its delivery. | 货物正在重新送到负责派送的单元 |
The shipment is awaiting delivery. | 货物正在等待投递 |
We have received the return of this on-hold shipment in its status. | 我们已收到挂起状态的返回货物 |
The shipment is on hold, awaiting instructions from the sender. | 货物正在等待发件人的指示 |
The shipment has left the logistics centre origin. | 货物已离开发货地的物流中心 |
The shipment has arrived at the unit responsible for sorting it for delivery. | 货物已到达负责分类的单位以便投递 |
The shipment was delivered in. | 货物已经投递 |
The delivery was not possible, or the notification has been sent to the recipient. | 无法交付货物,或者已给收件人发送通知 |
The shipment has left the international logistics centre destination for delivery. | 货物已离开目的地的国际物流中心准备发货 |
The shipment has passed through the import process at the customs office destination. | 货物已完成目的地海关的进口程序 |
The shipment has arrived at the customs office in the destination country. | 货物已到达目的国的海关 |
The shipment is starting to go through customs procedures. | 货物开始进行海关程序 |
The shipment has been accepted at the post office for delivery to the destination address. | 邮局已接收货物,准备投递到目的地地址 |
The shipment is on its way to be delivered to the recipient. | 货物正在送往收件人的途中 |
The shipment has left the processing centre. | 货物已离开处理中心 |
The goods have been assigned for the procedure. | 商品已指定进行程序 |
The shipment has arrived at the processing centre. | 货物已到达处理中心 |
The shipment is at the local post office available for collection. | 货物正在本地邮局,可以领取 |
The shipment for delivery to the recipient has arrived at the post office. | 待送给收件人的货物已经到达邮局 |
The import procedure is completed, the shipment is on its way to the recipient. | 进口程序已完成,货物正在路上送往收件人 |
The shipment has been classified in the logistics centre. | 货物已在物流中心被分类 |
The shipment has left the international transit centre and is on its way to the destination country. | 货物已离开国际中转中心,正在途中送往目的国家 |
The recipient's shipment will be available for collection at the post office on the next working day. | 收件人的货物将在下一个工作日在邮局等待取件 |
The shipment has been received for return to the sender. | 货物已被接收,准备退还给寄件人 |
The shipment was delivered to the recipient at the post office. | 货物已在邮局交付给收件人 |
The shipment is awaiting collection by the recipient at the local post office. | 货物正在本地邮局等待收件人取件 |
The shipment is waiting for presentation to customs. | 货物正在等待报关 |
The shipment has been presented with documentation at the international logistics centre at the destination. | 货物已在目的地的国际物流中心提供相关文件 |
The shipment will be presented on the next working day. | 货物将在下一个工作日投递 |
The shipment is held in the distribution office in the destination country. | 货物在目的国的配送办公室被保留 |
The shipment is pending at the office. | 货物在办公室等待处理 |
The sender has not pre-registered the delivery. | 发送人没有预先注册投递 |
The shipment has arrived at the collection point for the recipient. | 货物已到达收件人的收货点 |
The recipient is not at the destination address, the shipment will now be returned. | 收件人不在目的地地址,货物现在将退回 |
The shipment has been delivered to the sender. | 货物已交付给发送人 |
The shipment has been received in the logistics centre origin. | 货物已在发货地的物流中心接收 |
Customs management at the destination has finished. | 目的地的海关管理已完成 |
Customs have finished managing importation. | 海关已完成进口管理 |
Payment transfer received for customs procedures or taxes. | 已收到海关程序或税费的支付转账 |
Customs fees or taxes notice has been sent to the recipient. | 海关费用或税款通知已发送给收件人 |
Documentation has been sent to the recipient. | 文件已发送给收件人 |
The shipment is available to the recipient in the mailbox. | 货物在收件人的邮箱中可用 |
The shipment was returned due to incomplete customs documentation. | 由于海关文件不完整,货物被退回 |
The sender deposited the shipment. | 发送人已寄送货物 |
The shipment is at the post office, the recipient will soon receive notice for it. | 货物在邮局,收件人将很快收到通知 |
The shipment was returned to the sender at the post office. | 货物在邮局被退回给发送人 |
The shipment is now available for collection at the post office. | 货物现在在邮局可以领取 |
The shipment has been collected from the origin. | 货物已从发货地收集 |
The recipient's shipment will be available for collection at the post office. | 收件人的货物将在邮局等待取件 |
Customs have finished managing the shipment. | 海关已经完成对货物的管理 |
The shipment is being returned. | 货物正在被退回 |
The shipment has entered the delivery network. | 货物已进入投递网络 |
The shipment will be delivered by the delivery network. | 投递网络将会投递货物 |
The shipment was addressed to an incorrect address. | 货物被寄送到错误的地址 |
The recipient has been notified that they need to pick up the shipment. | 收件人已被通知需要取货 |
The recipient has a mailbox and they have been notified that they need to pick up the shipment. | 收件人有一个邮箱,并且他们已被通知他们需要取货 |
The shipment has been delivered to the recipient at an alternate location. | 货物已经被交付给在其他地点的收件人 |
The delivery will be presented on the next working day. | 货物将在下一个工作日投递 |
The destination address is incorrect, the shipment will now be returned. | 目的地地址错误,货物现在将被退回 |
The shipment was returned to the sender due to undelivered goods. | 由于未交付的商品,货物被退回给寄件人 |
The shipment has passed through the export process at the customs office origin. | 货物已经通过发货地海关的出口过程 |
The shipment was presented at the customs office origin. | 货物已经在发货地海关展示 |
The shipment is being processed by customs in the country of origin. | 货物正在发货国海关处理当中 |
The shipment requires a new tracking number. | 货物需要新的跟踪号 |
The shipment is on hold, awaiting instructions from the recipient. | 货物正在等待,等待收件人的指示 |
The shipment was delivered to customs for delivery to the recipient. | 货物被交付给海关,以便交付给收件人 |
The shipment has been redirected to a new address as requested. | 货物已按要求被转送至新地址 |
The shipment is being returned to the customs agent at the destination. | 货物正在退回给目的地的海关代理人 |
The delivery will be presented. | 货物即将被投递 |
The recipient is awaiting collection at a designated location. | 收件人在指定地点等待取件 |
The shipment is awaiting collection at the local post office. | 货物在本地邮局等待取件 |
The shipment is being returned because it has not been collected by the recipient on time. | 因收件人未按时取件,货物正在被退回 |
The package will be presented at the address on the next working day. | 包裹将在下一个工作日被投递至地址 |
The shipment Is in international transit to the destination country. | 货物正在国际运输途中,送往目的国家 |
The shipment was returned to pre-registration. | 货物被退回给预注册 |
The shipment was returned to the sender. | 货物被退回给寄件人 |
The sender has requested a return of the shipment. | 寄件人要求退回货物 |
The shipment is waiting for the recipient at the post office. | 货物在邮局等待收件人取件 |
The shipment is on hold, awaiting instructions from the sender. | 货物在等待,等待发送人的指示 |
The shipment was delivered to the recipient at a designated location. | 货物已在指定地点交付给收件人 |